
Special Living History groups have been asked to participate in this event. It is therefore not possible to participate in this event as a re-enactment group yourself. You are most welcome as a visitor, alone or together, as long as you do not dress or identify yourself as a Living History group.

Participating groups 2024:

War Department MARS 17th engineers
LHGH Klondikes Tripple A 101st Airborne 506th PIR
SLGA The Canadian soldier HRVN The sapper Eagles
HRVN U.S. Group Command HQ HRVN U.S. War Photographers and Correspondents
American Patrol LHA-Dogfaces
BAIV Bad dogs
LHGH Airborne Medical Re-enactment Group BOB 326th medical battalion
Pontoon Group 40-45 3rd ID
Supper Sixth DRG 40-45 North West Tommies
WACs On Wheels LHG  
US field Kitchen Chef Mutton US field Kitchen Chef Licini
Die 66er Frontkaempfer
Panzerjäger abteilung 228 DRG 40-45 Infantrie Division 352, Regiment 916
ETOR Die Volksgrenadiere 11.KP./Gren.Rgt.726 Pz.gren. Lehrregiment
VZW WW2 Re-enactment Belgium Les Lufteaux
VHM 2./100. Gebirgsjäger Regiment HRVN Fluchwache
HRVN Landeschutze Bataljon HRVN Fluwa
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