Opening hours
The event and museum will be open on Saturday 31st of August from 10 AM till 7 PM and Sunday 1st of September 2024 from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. The entrance to the museum is included in the ticket price.

Please note that the language of instruction during the Eyewitness Event is Dutch

Getting here and Parking
The event car park is located approximately 800 meters from the museum grounds ( a 15 minute walk). Parking costs € 10 per car (per day) and can be paid with cash or with PIN. The car park can be found by following the special P signage to the event. The route there is clearly indicated from both the motorway (A73, exit 7) and the provincial roads.
Through the online ticketshop you can also order your parkingticket. 

Access & address
The event is organized in the Overloon War Museum and in the surrounding museum park and forest.

The following is important for disabled visitors. Most of the terrain is reasonably accessible, especially the landscaped paths and roads. However, the encampments are located in the woods and in more difficult places. Of course, the museum itself is completely suitable for a visit.

Dogs are welcome, but keep in mind that very loud bangs occur regularly during the event. Dogs on leash at all times.

A shuttle bus is available for the disabled from the parking area to the entrance of the site.

Address of the event:

War museum Overloon
Museum Park 1
5825 AM Overloon




When you visit our museum park, in the broadest sense of the word, our following visiting conditions apply:

  • This is private property. Visits are only allowed if and as long as an entrance gate is open. If the gates are closed, access is prohibited.
  • The battle for liberation was fought here in 1944: partly for this reason, we ask everyone to behave respectfully here towards other people, the museum and the park.
  • For museum visits you must have a valid admission ticket, which can be purchased at the museum reception, at pre-sale addresses or online. We do not refund entrance tickets for the Eyewitness Event 2022.
  • The museum is not liable for incorrect information from others.
  • By visiting the site, you automatically agree that you are responsible for your own safety and that the museum is not liable for damage, except in the case of gross negligence on the part of the museum.
  • No sale or promotion is permitted except with our prior written consent.
  • Making (semi-)commercial sound and/or image recordings is prohibited, except with the prior written consent of the museum.
  • Flying drones on our premises is not allowed, except with our prior written consent.


By visiting, you automatically agree that you can be observed by our security cameras and that the footage is stored by us.
Many visitors take pictures and film. If you do not want to be in the picture, make this clear to the photographer or videographer in advance. The museum is not liable for unauthorized use of images by third parties.
We may reuse image material about the museum that you share via the internet for our own promotional purposes.
These conditions are based on the general conditions of the museum, which are in full force during your visit here. You can view these on request at the reception of the museum. All your suggestions or comments can be emailed to us at:

We wish you a nice day!

Visit the new D-DEX experience!