Group packages

If you are travelling near the museum by bike because it’s a great location for bike ride or you just want to experience the ride through the museum on its new bridge which runs through the Centre of the museum, then why not stop of at the Overloon Museum Diner where you can indulge your taste buds with coffee, tea and pastries! Afterwards, why not have a lunch buffet and indulge in a Limburg vlaai. 

The museum is excellently suited for group visits, a family day, a reunion or a day-out with a club. We have different arrangements for this, at your choice with or without entrance to the museum, and for groups from 20 to 250 persons. There are also many possibilities besides the mentioned packages below. Please feel free to contact us. We can guarantee a food selection, we can also take into account your preferences or special dietary requirements, (for this its best to call in advance). 

Below you will find our group packages in-and excluding the entrance fee:

PLEASE NOTE! These packages must be booked in advance! Please contact us by e-mail

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